Sunday 27 December 2020

                                                                Waka Prints

   Once the paper from Awagami arrived a couple of days later, I cut tem to size and dampened them to print the next day and after several consecutive days of printing I had 3 editions of prints I was extremely happy with.

These were the resulting represses of the two previously shown prints. The difference is certainly most clear in the second 'Waka 2', with the range and intensity of colour being so much more dramatic and that achieved with onky 3 layers of colour as opposed to 4, as well as the red of the sail being so much more vibrant than that of the previous in which the red faded almost completely, which was a problem as I had chosen it as the focal point of this print.

This is the third print which I printed only after learning what I did from the previous mistakes.

And this is how the pint was sent out. Each one has it's own poem card as each of the images were drawn up as previously explained in the blog from a separate waka poem, these cards came in two versions, the English text and Japanese script and on top of this they were mounted in a simple paper frame that had a description of the work on the back that read:

'The Waka series of woodblock prints from Kitchen Porter Press illustrates waka poems that describe the unique sense of space brought to Japanese print through such beautiful short-form poetry.'

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