Wednesday 17 February 2021

The dumpster is about 15cm long and 7.5cm deep. It is built to the dimensions of a 2 yard slant dumpster. It comes complete with opening doors as does the phone box and it also has fully rotating wheels in both axis', this was not particularly easy and probably unnecessary but I wasn't going to be happy putting this level of work in without following it through to the end. I also painted it with a special mixture of paints that should scratch off with only a damp brush to produce realistic ageing, that comes later though.


I only now realised I hadn't uploaded any photos of the other models yet, so here is the phone box. It stands around 18cm tall and about 5 1/2cm wide it like the other two models is built to 1/12th scale and so appears to be the correct size as the others.


 Ageing Models

I needed to display how these models would be aged as the scenarios progressed and the locations depicted in their backgrounds changed. 

I threw these sketches together when I was still expecting to have the utility pole follow a series of scenarios that led to suggesting that some sort of climate disaster had taken place in the world the object inhabited. However, I have since changed my mind as I now want the utility pole to inhabit a world that follows a cyber revolved future.

rusting would of course still take place but these sketches omit the large number of extra cables and electronics that would be added as the scenes progressed.

The pages below show ideas for a platform that would have been built onto the utility pole after the world around it had flooded and the utility pole had been given a new use (possibly as an above water notice board)

As I mentioned though this plan has been scrapped.