Thursday 4 February 2021

 Storyboard 2

I made this to show that with each scenario the focus on the utility pole would tighten with every scenario, the viewer will be brought closer to the object with every stage until we reach scenario 5, at which point the camera will begin to move back to its starting point. This is to show that there is  no real end as we often like to prophesise, actually it will just start anew.

This is scenario no.1 'installation'. For this I thought it would be good to show it in a setting of a power grid, which I photographed down the road from my parents house. I feel this shows the objects original purpose and is easily understandable as the beginning of the objects journey.

no.2 'Light Use'- in a rural area to show them as we regularly see them, out of the way. Experimenting with clouds and how I would draw them as they're exceptionally hard to photograph, particularly at this time of year. I'm also looking at which side the light or colour in this scenario could come from and and whatt shade it would be. Also suggesting a small inclusion of graffiti as I don't believe it takes all that long for these things t be carved or drawn on.

scenario no.3 'broken in'- looking at more of the same, cloudscapes (but possibly more violent and surrounding than in the last one), begininning to look at sections of heavy graffiti and deep marks of heavy vandalism, thinking of including the drawing, or maybe photograph, of a run down building exterior, something that really suggests wear and places in its now relevant urban landscape.

scenario no.4 'distress'- at this stage, I can say with certainty, we're in the future. I think it's arguable that the previous image was but don't wan't to say with absolution, this one however should appear obviously, futuristic. I found photos of abandoned buildings and those in extremely poor shape, then started playing around with ways of displaying overgrown foliage. I also thought, in the section of architecture I plan to draw, maybe place a single silhouette of a person, signify a stranger in the location? I don't want my futures to be completely void of  human presence.

scenario no.5 'Re-invention'- at this stage I kept my rough of the scene itself loose, throwing in an ancient ruin I photographed and some marshy land under it. At this point I expect the object itself will hav changed so drastically that it will be hard to plan to any great degree what the scene is to look like. What I do know, is that I want this as my turning point in the series. I want there to be signs of visitors to the object in the form of it being used as something other than it's original purpose, maybe a camp for some humans, a nest for some birds or something similar. From here I want the camera to begin moving away from the object again giving a fuller view of the area once more.

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