Monday 1 March 2021

 Dumpster Diorama

In a slight change of plans I decided not to go with the storyboard idea for the dumpster. Inspired by one quote that really stuck with me;

"I think we use extinction as a safety blanket. When really, the more harrowing truth is that a thousand years from now.. this exact same thing will continue." - Katehrine Ryan, NWO

I agreed with this truly 'harrowing' thought the sheer idea that things might be fated to continue as they do now is a frightful one. So, fully inspired at this thought, I made a diorama to house the dumpster in and instead of the scenario changing with each stage, it will stay the exact same, slowly decaying and rotting with the dumpster.

This is as far as I've got with it at the point of hand in but should have it painted by tomorrow and will join all parts together once I've returned to Manchester.

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