Friday 21 May 2021

My Outcome 

I could look at it, that after a years worth of work my final hand in will be one finished print, instead I'm looking at it as, 1 finished print another to carry on with straight after university keeping me active and busy post-education and a whopper of an A2 to print once I've sold something and on top of all this enough research and printing know-how to carry me at least a year or two into the future, with two prints completed and ready to send in to two international print competitions. Feel pretty good looking at it like that..


Here is the scan of the completed article, I won't give my working here its all on my instagram and throughout this blog all I will say is 19 colour watercolour woodblock.


as this is only a prep print its no where near the finished article, for starters the black was printed in sumi ink as I could do it at home instead of going in to uni for one press. This does mean that the key block doesn't have the gloss bold sheen that it will do when the edition is made like the print above. Also, at the time of printing an entire colour block was missing but it prints fine and isn't to much hassle, 12 colour watercolour and woodblock print A4.


to it's nearest completed version the A2 of the series Midnight. Digital colour mock up. Something I hadn't mentioned up until now as I didn't deem it all that important was the financial side of these prints so, this print is yet to set me back around 200 more pounds and having near bankrupted myself on the first two, whether I had intended to have this finished for hand in or not wouldn't much matter now. I will begin the engraving on these blocks next week but may not have enough blocks they're to complete all the engravings, I can only hope at this point. Though, regardless of whether or not these blocks are completed next week or later, this print will certainly be made!

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