Friday 21 May 2021

 The Prep prints

Always before sitting down and doing an edition I print a test run first, just in order to check all the blocks have all the necessary wood cleared away, no ink in unwanted areas and basically just to check that it is within my capabilities to print it.

These are the two prints I pulled from the A4 and A3 blocks as a practice run, I wet 8 sheets for the A3 and after half the layers were down on all 8 I continued with only 4 and played with the print order and pigment mixtures, those I was happiest with got written down on a scrap sheet (seen in the middle) which had notes on all paint mixtures and print orders.

The same for the A4 but I was much more confident it would be an easier run through and so only wet 2 sheets for the testing as I was confident I would be able to run one of them at least through all the blocks.

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