Tuesday 26 January 2021

 Where do Prints Come in?

At this point it is reasonable to wonder at which point my media of print enters into things. As print is merely the media in which I hope to display these miniatures I have left worrying about that until I need to. I have kept up with the designing of new prints and currently have the blocks cut for another and am in the process of ordering more woodblock, for another two prints.

With these prints I hope to conclude my research into how 3-dimenional space can be displayed in print. I then intend to use the miniatures not just to display the degradation of urban space (which I'm currently thinking of doing through a sequence of consecutive photography, showing each miniature slowly degrading), I also plan to use the photographs I take in a further series of prints that show the miniature degraded inside an urban space that I have drawn myself, presented in the fashion of foreground/background like space was in my 'Waka' prints.

As this is my goal, I may only get mock-ups created in time for the assessment, leaving the actual print work to carry me smoothly into Unit X. We'll see how it goes though...

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