Wednesday 19 May 2021

 The Engravers

I had planned to head into the laser engraving suite pre-easter break. However the workshop was closed most of the week before the break. This meant that I was not able to engrave any of the keyblocks to the prints I had.

This wasn't an ideal situation, I now had two weeks break I thought I would be relaxingly printing over, without the keyblocks this was not possible. So, instead I thought of doing one of two things...

I thought I should either go back to the models and further their paint jobs by finally giving them the graffiti and signs of damage and wear I had always intended for, basically get them exhibition ready was my thinking or..

I could go back to the design phase of the prints and really work on refining the image as highly as I could. I chose this option

By the end of the easter break I had these...

This is the A2 and where I had got to with it by the end of the easter break, a lot of changes from the previous versions that I will go over in another post on the blog, I still wasn't happy with it at this stage and so decided to put off engraving it until I was fully confident in the image.

This A3 print I felt good about right from the time I made the basic composition in the Authorship Unit, ultimately so far I'm far happiest with this design and have decided when finished that this will be the print I send into the Royal Academy 2021 Summer Exhibition.

This A4 was quite simple, Once I had the basic composition down the colours and imagery just seemed to come to me quite the thing, the least trouble designing by far and still an outcome I'm very confident in, think this will be my entry into the Awagami AIMPE 2021, miniature print competition.

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