Saturday 8 May 2021

Adding Things to the Scene

To add anything to these scenes physically, I was faced with a challenge, I would have to be able to draw them in the correct perspective to the rest of the scene although this perspective 'point' didn't really exist, it wasn't something I could easily return to...

But I did try, I had visions of plastering the wall in the big print with 'The Streets' gig posters and Frankie Boyles 'tramadol Nights' event posters, so in order to think about it, I wanted to know how to do it...

So in order to have them in the correct perspective I would have to set the model and camera up in the same places. I did this and then printed the posters out at the correct size for the scale model, drew three rectangles the same size as the phone box on a sheet of paper (below) and stuck my poster on the rectangle where I'd like it on the phone box, I then cut the rectangles out and attached them to the phone box.
These steps were necessary as, if I had just stuck the poster to the model itself I would never have been able to seperate and split the colours of the poster digitally from not being able to fully remove it from the surrounding image.

In the end once I had all seperations made and coloured digitally I organised them in the correct registration on the back of the phone box in Photoshop, decided I didn't like it and flipped the entire thing horizontally.

Ultimately this poster did not make the cut nor did any of the others but glad I know how to do it.

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