Sunday 15 November 2020


I wanted to test my model making skills to see whether or not this would be a feasible process to use in the making of something 'real'. 

At this stage I was confident of the end result believing that this would work, re-assuring myself that model making was something I could manage for the upcoming unit.

At this stage I began to despair, the plaster didn't set correctly around the tree it made it look somewhat false and I couldn't see how an amateur paint job could improve it much. I was beginning to lose hope in the possibilities for the application of such a process

At this point I was all but ready to throw in the towel and admit defeat on the modelling front, beginning to really worry how someone with little skill in miniature building could use such a technique to build something convincing. However...

I pushed on and saw the process to the end, which I was really quite happy about. In my print work I tend to use photography hollowed out to a black, white- stamp effect that I can then engrave into woodblock. After applying this technique to the photograph I had taken, I was happy to see that the result was fairly good and certainly of high enough caliber for the purposes intended.

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