Thursday 25 February 2021

Utility Pole Storyboard

As mentioned in the previous set of annotations for the Phone Box, after a tutorial, it was suggested to me that it could be useful to add figures to my images to give further description of the scenario.

I started all storyboard images with this one and so thought I had slightly more time to play around with backdrops and such than I actually did. So, for this one and the next four I have a unique layered backdrop for each.

I've always had a strong connection to graffiti and really enjoyed what it does to a city, strongly believing the claims, that it has no intention or context therefore little more than unpleasant mark making to be misguided.

Graffiti, or the lack thereof, tells you everything you want to know about the area you are standing in.

I gravitated toward a Cyberpunk style set of scenarios for this series. As again, I previously mentioned, all influences will be shown on separate slides later but with Bladerunner and Philip K dick having been mentioned in my work earlier this year I thought it right to try for myself.

This one I'm really happy with.

This is close to printable, though again with time running out I cut a couple of corners and would likely struggle to reproduce some of the 12 colour blocks I used to make up the mock up in woodblocks.


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