Thursday 25 February 2021

Dumpster Storyboards

The Dumpster follows a slightly different course of events. Instead of describing a series of possibilities that will lead to a future that is a version of extreme circumstances, I wanted this one to follow a course of events that suggested time will progress exactly as it is now. Again, I will clarify, all evidence and influence will be surmised in slides after this post.

I personally see this as the most depressing set of events. The thought that the future will progress with nothing ever changing from current times is to me a frightful one.

If pollution build up and climate disaster does not change societal values or wipe us out from this planet I'm glad I won't be there to see it.

It is a terrifying thought, to imagine what the world may look like in this circumstance.

These Slides may appear under developed but that is as I intend them, for them to become less developed and refined as time passes in this series.


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