Thursday 25 February 2021

Phone Box Storyboard

For the Phone Box, I chose to create a set of scenarios that would lead the phone box through a climate disaster.

Each set of storyboard images will be joined by a slide that shows all reasons for/ influences and general back up after I have displayed all storyboards on the blog.

I created all the storyboards using as much of my own photography as was possible.

I played around in this set of images with the idea of adding animals to assist in building up the scenes. After advice in a tutorial on how much figures can tell a viewer about what is going in an image, I thought with this one it would be good to use animals in place of human figures as I did not want to suggest a human presence throughout this set of possibilities.

I also attempted to create each image in a fashion that would allow for me to take them straight to print so as not to waste much time in Unit X fretting over how they would be printed.

I used certain pieces of work multiple times through the storyboards, to save time remaking several water scenes, I had gone to the effort of building up layers for one oceanographic design and was happy with the turnout.

Some images were not my own, unfortunately I've never had the opportunity to see a desert and so had to take the image I used here from online.

In this image I struggled to build it up in layers that would be easily printable and so must admit that this would likely need editing before taken to print, though that said, it's also likely one I would not be interested in actually taking to print without extra work anyway.

This one I'm happy with.


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