Friday 7 May 2021

 New Bases

I now had a new starting composition for the two previously shown prints and for one new one...

This photo, ore one of the dozens almost identical to it were used...

To be added to another self created wall section to make this new base...

For the next composition, I was aware that the homemade forced perspective tactic was of little use as I intended for the 'camera' to be seen as if it were raised high above ground level and so had slightly freer reign as it meant only the Utility pole model would set the perspective, meaning I could create almost any perspective.

This didn't exactly make it simpler, I faffed about getting something I liked for too long.

Took me a while but after piecing together my favourite parts I had something I was happy with..

You will have to imagine this without the kanji and black lines in the sky as this is the most under developed version I have.

This was the new composition I had created myself. This came first and was actually quite heavily developed before either of the other two came along but was eventually scaled back in its grandness to allow for the other two to be made, as what I was originally trying with this became to much for the time limit, more on that next...

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