Friday 7 May 2021

 The Big Print

The print I started with was the biggest of the three, I planned originally to make this print at A1 and then break it down into three segments to almost create a print triptich...

This figure was drawn from a drawing and was therefore not mine, I did change it later though and recreate the character in my own hand. He an be seen sitting on top of a grassy mound too (more clearly visible in the image below), this too was inspired by the work of another that actually was a great aid in this series of prints to refer too.. more on him in a bit.

I do feel as well, that at this stage I should explain the buildings. All three prints use the same buildings in them, I chose them for a few reasons, the photos were good, the buildings quite dystopian which played into the style I was going for and the research I had done and lastly and most importantly: because these were two high rises that towered above any other in Glasgow and were known by the general population of the city for years as a complete eyesore, they were built at the end of the sixties to sort out the astonishingly bad slum tenement conditions that had become the worst in Britain and ever since first seeing them I've been in love with their Brutalist design and the frightfully imposing nature they projected on to the surrounding area. These towers were pitched as 'mansions in the sky', were exceptionally forward thinking at the time of their construction but really upsettingly, the powers of the general population won in the end and the 'Gallowgate Twins' were demolished in 2016. I can't save these buildings but I can immortalize them and then maybe, show an audience how I saw these giants.

I built this image up and it was around this stage after colouring the whole frame that I realised that this would not scan  when split into three, the boxes were present in the document from the beginning, dividing the image and I believed that each of these sections at this stage, would not be interesting enough to become their own seperate prints and whilst I thought I could just spend the rest of the time I had working on this adding detail up to the hilt, I moved away from the triptich idea and introduced the two images already seen in the blog.

The different colours in the skies were created by using the cloudscapes I made for the slides in the last unit.

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